IELTS Vocabulary: Free Resources

ielts vocabularyYou can take advantage of IELTS vocabulary materials: fillers, connectors for letters, essays, Academic graphs and tables. Having learned different cohesive devices and using them, you will improve your IELTS result.

The best way to learn IELTS cohesive devices would be to use these collocations and phrases during your speaking or writing practice. Besides, you can ask somebody to check how you remember IELTS vocabulary.

Openers and fillers for IELTS PDF file, 1 page

Cohesive devices for IELTS speaking PDF file, 2 pages

Cohesive devices and lexis for IELTS letters (personal letters, business letters, complaints, apologies, resume cover letters)  PDF file, 6 pages

Cohesive devices and lexis for Academic IELTS PDF file, 5 pages

Cohesive devices and lexis for IELTS essays PDF file, 5 pages

Bonus: My husband’s IELTS vocabulary file, compiled from real IELTS tests, PDF file, 60 pages

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One more excellent solution: try the IELTS online preparation course. It is paid course, but quite affordable compared to offline courses, with excellent price/quality ratio. Designed by professional IELTS teachers, this comprehensive course develops the main skills and strategies necessary for IELTS takers.